Saturday, December 10, 2011

Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks

Last weekend, I participated in the Gay Marriage Rally in Hyde Park. It was such an exhilarating experience, I don't think I've had so much fun dancing (in the street) to Lady Gaga or Kylie Minogue. 

The Finders Keepers Markets were quite disappointing this time around, to be honest. I bought one print, a necklace and a canvas tote bag. I was hoping there would be more clothing stalls, but nothing really caught my eye. The Lomo store was really cool, and I was so tempted to get my hands on a Diana Mini (I really want one), but stopped myself from being whisked away by the sales guy. I still think I will get one, but I might wait a while. I haven't even touched my Blackbird Fly yet!

I also picked up a Janome sewing machine at a garage sale on the way to the market, for $20! What a bargain! It's in working order and I love it! I've already named her Nancy. I am still learning how to use it, I think I might make bunting or something to hang up in my room as a first project. I would really like to make a shirt dress from a men's business shirt by the end of summer, and I had a trawl through a Vinnie's store near my work, but they were all about $20 a shirt, I don't think that's really worth it, so I might wait till I perfect my sewing skills before I ruin a perfectly nice shirt.


  1. don't get the diana mini!! they're not made very well, and my last roll of film just shot blanks :(

  2. Really!? Thanks for that, I've been wanting one for ages now. I read about them on some Flickr discussions. The Golden Half is really great by the way, every photo I've taken have turned out really well.
